Participate in an Information Evening Session about our Bilingual Schools

Information evening session : Next date Wednesday June 5th 2024

Discover our bilingual schools in Paris

L'Ecole Koenig organize Information Evenings Sessions each year to introduce you to our bilingual Preschool and Elementary Schools; and our educational project.

New for back-to-school 2024!

L’Ecole Koenig is happy to announce the opening of the long awaited first grade (CP) in September 2024.

Next date : Information Evening ONLINE

First grade class Elementary School (CP)

Mercredi, June 5th 2024 at 20H30 (online session)

I'm attending the CP information evening!

Find out more about our information evenings here

Click here to access the pre-registration form for preschool.

Find out more about the opening of our elementary school here.